New tool: angdist
I just finished putting together a command-line tool to plot a 2D histogram of
Euler angles from a set of refined single particles from a cryo-EM dataset
files from RELION). This is a useful visualization to
complement the 3D histogram generated by RELION and displayed in relation to the
3D reconstruction. I got the idea from cryoSPARC, which generates and displays
the exact same 2D histogram in its 3D refinement jobs (although with a color
scale much less friendly to color blind people; I chose to use the “viridis”
color scale by default).
The tool can be installed with pip
. The code is available
here. I also made it citeable with doi:10.5281/zenodo.4104053
The starfile
library was very helpful. Having this easy way to
read STAR files into Python gives me ideas for more tools to
produce other useful plots from data found in these files (basically, anything
more sophisticated than counting particles in each class, which is so easy to
do with AWK that I won’t bother making a Python command-line
tool for this).